
Twinning Agreement between Cotonou-Brazzaville

Under the theme, "Supporting the city’s fundamental mission and ambition for the development of the life of its citizens, the Departmental and Municipal Council of the Commune of Brazzaville held its first session on December 10, 2014. The session began with the signing of a Twin City Agreement between Cotonou and Brazzaville. Several administrative and diplomatic authorities were present at the ceremony.

Nicéphore Dieudonné Soglo, Mayor of Cotonou and Hugues Ngouenlondélé, Deputy Mayor of Brazzaville initiated the twin city agreement. The agreement was developed to strengthen historical, cultural, and commercial links between people of the two countries and the two cities. Taking into account the profound aspirations of their various communities, the two cities have decided to expand their cooperation. The new agreement was designed to ensure a permanent exchange of knowledge and experiences in all areas of urban management in view of the economic, social, technical, and cultural development of the two cities. A permanent commission for monitoring and coordination comprising representatives of the two cities would be established.

The commission will meet at least once a year in one or the other city. To strengthen cooperation between Brazzavill and Cotonou, a number of activities have been planned for 2015. Activities include mutual visits to strengthen technical capacities of officials, the organization of trade shows in Brazzaville and Cotonou, and setting up holiday camps in order to promote sport and tourism.

In his speech before the signing of the agreement, the Mayor of Cotonou and former head of State of Benin, Nicéphore Dieudonné Soglo, called on both "cities to ensure the basic needs for full human development, including, inter alia, education, culture, health, urban mobility, improving the strandard of living, and supporting productive activities. Achieving these objectives might not be possible without financial decentralization as well as political decentraation.” The agreement ceremony ended with the exchange of gifts between the Mayor of Brazzaville and the Mayor of Cotonou.

Signature de l’accord  de jumelage Brazzaville-Cotonou en présence des Conseillers municipaux