
Social housing

logements sociaux de mpila, BrazzavilleSocial housing of M'pila in Brazzaville

Since May 1979, the Congolese state, through the Society for Property Development and Management (Soprogi), has been working to provide Congolese citizens with social housing as needs for such accommodation increases annually. The first social housing projects were developed in the Moukondo and Moungali 3 neighborhoods.

Since 2002, the Soprogi, under the leadership of Ministry of Construction, Urban Planning and Housing, has been working hard to provide access to housing to all Congolese citizens. A large social and economic housing project has been completed in the neighborhoods of Bacongo, Clarion Camp, Camp August 15, M'pila, and Kintélé. This program is part of a public -private partnership and there are plans to build more than 1300 housing, some of which have already been completed and sold.
