The Administrator – Mayor closes the rubbish dump near the 15-year old Marché Plateau
Naguère, located on the slope of the Pont du Centenaire opposite the 15-year old Marché Plateau and initially intended to serve as a public park, has over the years been transformed into a rubbish dump.
To put an end to this sordid picture in one of the erstwhile prestigious neighbourhoods of the city, the Administrator-Mayor of the 4th municipality, Benjamin Loukakou, closed and cleared off this make-shift rubbish dump. In addition to domestic waste dumped here, this place was the subject of anarchy as it has for long been illegally occupied by barbers, petty traders and scrap dealers operating with impunity in a very untidy environment. Because of this untidiness, the place had become a hideout for criminals with repeated incidents of rape and murder. To compound this situation, the lifeless body of a woman was found here, making any movement in this neighbourhood after 5:00 pm extremely dangerous.
In order not to take any half measures, the Mayor of Moungali cruised through the Avenue de la Paix, from Rond Point Moungali to Itoumbi. In this part of town reigns yet another disorder with the entrance of streets transformed into dumps for domestic waste, a behaviour which undermines all efforts taken by the municipality to sanitise this avenue. “By this initiative, we have put an end to the recurrent phenomenon of throwing refuse on the road”, he said. He also went as far as sensitizing some unscrupulous citizens in their respective homes, calling on them to change or be fined. Before this measure, the Mayor will soon issue a circular to occupants of homes prohibiting them from throwing domestic waste on the road.